Martha Binz, Massage & Cupping Therapist

Massage, Cupping, Lymphatic & Reflexology in Midlothian Texas

Description of Treatments



Deep tissue massage is best for giving attention to certain painful, stiff "trouble spots" in your body. The massage therapist uses slow, deliberate strokes that focus pressure on layers of muscles, tendons and fascia.. Though less rhythmic than other types of massage, deep tissue massage can be quite therapeutic -- relieving chronic patterns of tension and helping with muscle injuries, such as back sprain.


The most common type of massage is Swedish massage therapy. It involves soft, long, kneading strokes, as well as light, rhythmic, tapping strokes, on topmost layers of muscles. This is also combined with movement of the joints. By relieving muscle tension, Swedish therapy can be both relaxing and energizing. And it may even help after an injury.


Developed to help with muscle systems used for a particular sport, sports massage uses a variety of approaches to help athletes in training -- before, during, or after sports events. You might use it to promote flexibility and help prevent injuries. Or, it may help muscle strains, aiding healing after a sports injury.


A therapy developed over 5,000 years ago as an important aspect of Asian, especially Chinese, medicine. It uses precise finger placement and pressure over specific points along the body. These points follow specific channels, known as meridians – the same channels used in acupuncture.


A trigger point is a tight area within muscle tissue that causes pain in other parts of the body. A trigger point in the back, for example, may produce referral pain in the neck. The neck, now acting as a satellite trigger point, may then cause pain in the head. The pain may be sharp and intense or a dull ache.


Reflexology today is based on the principle that the anatomy of the body is reflected in miniature on reflex zones on the feet, hands and ears. Stimulating or sedating a reflex triggers a response in the corresponding area of the body. Reflexology helps to create a healthy harmonious state within the body and triggers the body’s natural powers of self healing.

Reflexology is the application of specific pressure by the practitioner’s hands, thumbs, and fingers to reflex points in the client’s hands, feet, or ears. Techniques include using alternating pressure, thumb and finger walking, hooking in and up, rotation on a reflex, and often repeating specific reflex stimulation throughout the session.


While the client remains passive/relaxed, the therapists uses various " poses " to lengthen and/or shorten the muscles and tendons.  



Massage is one of the oldest and most powerful forms of healing. Lomi Lomi is one of the most profound forms of massage. So, what makes it so special, what is it, how does it differ from other massage, how does it "work"?

I"m often asked what Lomi Lomi means. The word Lomi Lomi simply means massage. What it is, is a unique healing massage derived from the ancient Polynesians and more specifically the master healers of Hawaii.

To understand the depth of Lomi Lomi massage, it helps to have an understanding of the Hawaiian philosophy called Huna, and how the philosophies of Huna relate to bodywork and healing.

A fundamental assumption of Huna is that everything seeks harmony and everything seeks love. So how does this relate to massage? Perhaps this can best be understood by one of the alternate names for Lomi Lomi, and that is "Loving Hands" massage. The reason for this is that it works gently yet deeply into the muscles with continuous, flowing strokes, totally nurturing the body and, enabling the recipient to relax, give in and simply be. So whilst technique is an important part of the massage and associated healing, much of the work is done by love, with the focus of the practitioner on the client being deep and complete, using loving hands and a loving heart.


One misinterpretation of the marks that sometimes occur as result of Cupping are that they are bruises. Unless the Cupping was done too strong in a contraindicated case, no "bruising" occurs. What these marks under the skin are, post Cupping, is stagnation, dead cellular debris, pathogenic factors, and impurities being drawn out of the biosystem. Some capillary seepage occurs, but it is minimal to the acidic agents being removed. Blood tests have been done to measure the levels of toxins, pesticides and acids being drawn out of the body with shocking results.

Besides Cupping for injuries and recovery, Olympic Trainers use suction to draw toxins from the swimmers that have been absorbed from the pools that they are in for many hours everyday.



Because of the special cups I use for this there are no marks left on the face or neck.   Women in Asia, Russia and Europe have been utilizing these remarkable negative pressure facial exercises for rejuvenation and maintenance for generations.

Protocols for the face use the small cups to vacuum and lift the facial tissue, mimicking the pumping movements of lymphatic drainage. It is a manual method that replicates the effects of equipment currently in use in most of the top esthetic establishments.

The benefits include increased local circulation of the skin, increased nutrients brought to the epidermis, and enhanced absorption of facial topicals. The drainage of stagnant fluids from reservoir areas will reduce edema and chronic puffiness.

Lines and wrinkles will plump whereas scar tissue will soften from the negative pressure, making it an exceptionally powerful and surprisingly relaxing enhancement to advanced facial treatments.


Historically Cupping on the feet has been a difficult prospect. But with the continued development of modern Cupping equipment, negative pressure treatments on the feet has become a favorite throughout the health community and the public.

One treatment called Pedi-Cupping created by Dr MacLean is a powerful combination of Biomagnetic Reflexology, Dynamic Cupping and Plantar Facial Release on the lower compartment and foot.

Using silicone cups, all of the muscles of the calf and foot are worked and released through a series of stretches and range of motion. Then using the cups to glide over the calf, loosening the muscles and tendons and improving blood and lymph flow.


Almost any massage therapy can be enhanced by the addition of negative pressure. Moving the Cupping vessels on the body for massage has been commonplace throughout history.


Stubborn conditions that may have been present for decades are easily resolved with Cupping.

Nothing works better at opening up and releasing joints, connective tissue and muscles than the use of negative pressure and movement.

Dead cellular debris, poisons, stagnation and excess fluids drawn to the surface sometimes leave deposits under the skin, which, short of cutting the skin and pulling it out, is the best place for the lymphatic system to drain it away.

Cumulative Cupping treatments increase muscle endurance, circulation, lung capacity, lymphatic drainage and health maintenance during strenuous activities. Many professional athletes incorporate it into their training to enhance their overall performance, agility and ability to recover.


Because of the techniques and special glass cups I use for this there are no marks left on the face and neck.

Suction helps to open up the joint, loosen the musculature and fascia around the jaw.

Used in tandem with joint manipulation, the pressure and pain associated with TMJ are relieved as inflammation is decreased and nerves relax.

Cupping should not be done over an infected tooth as the infection can spread.

The muscles of the face benefit greatly from the reduction of tension and tightness, releasing expression lines and loosening rigid muscles associated with TMJ disorders.

Sinus infections and inflammation are also directly relieved by the loosening and draining effects of the cups - many times resolving issues that many sufferers commonly turned to more radical procedures to correct.


The lymphatic system is the body’s waste disposal.  It’s job, in part, is to remove bacteria, cellular debris, excess water, proteins and wastes from the connective tissue to stop the tissues from puffing up, thereby keeping a balance of fluid in the body.

The heart pumps blood through arteries into the smaller capillaries. This is where an exchange of nutrients and gases takes place. About 90% of the blood gets returned to the heart through the veins, but there is a small amount of leakage that takes place at the capillary level. It is the job of the lymphatic system to gather up this interstitial fluid (made up of water, large proteins molecules, fats and cellular waste products) and pull it into the finger-like cell walls of the lymph vessels. If fluid is allowed to accumulate at this level, Lymph edema (or swelling) will develop.


In most instances, this work is very well received. Contraindications do exist whenever an increased lymph flow would be detrimental such as in a case of acute inflammation caused by infection, major cardiac or circulatory problems and edemas caused by cardiac insufficiency, thrombosis and malignant tumors.

Therapists that do Lymphatic Drainage know exactly how difficult and tedious this system is to treat with compression work. Cupping does the opposite.

Cupping stretches open, rather than closing the lymphatic vessels. This action actually increases the movement of lymph locally and systemically with cumulative treatments.

Increasing Lymphatic output increases the immune systems ability to detoxify the body and respond to stressors put onto it from disease, chemicals, stress and electromagnetic fields.


Successful MFR stretches the fascia away from the underlying structures.

Also occurring along the fascia are Trigger Points. Trigger Points are twisted bundles of  fascia that are extremely sensitive to palpation and feel like tough, dense knots along the muscle.

Trigger Points cause injuries over time because they break up the normal structure and operation of the fascia.

With negative pressure, the fascia is gently stretched and unwinds without the discomfort of force. 


Biomagnetic Field Therapy holds so many all encompassing, powerful effects that no one description of how they exert their positive therapeutic effects could adequately describe all the myriad and complex ways it effects mind and body.

However, from the perspective of bio-magnetics, health is based upon the individual cells of the body vibrating at a characteristic normal frequency. Disease, on the other hand, represents an abnormal change in cellular vibration.

The therapeutic application of magnets, at the deepest level, is based on the principle of restoring normal cellular vibration, positively influencing the relationships throughout the entire body-mind process.

Biomagnetic therapy, also called biomagnetic pair or terrain restoration therapy, is a natural therapy that proposes re-establishing normal cellular milieu through the use of pairs of magnets of medium intensity that seek to equalize the organism's pH level.

The pH range is from 0 to 14, with 7.0 being neutral. Anything above7.0 is alkaline, anything below 7.0 is considered acidic. A healthy blood pH has acid + alkaline balance almost equal, slightly alkaline measuring approximately 7.4.

Possible side effects 

These usually consist of mild symptoms related to detoxification including, polyuria(an increased urge to urine), low-grade fever (a slight increase in body temperature, not surpassing 9.5°F), sweating and weakness.

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